The Good Ole' Days!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


As most of you know Susan has been on medical leave for the past three & a half weeks. It has been hard being sick and not having Randy to take care of her, but GOD PROVIDES! We have friends to step in and take her to ALL her doctors appointments and hospital testings. We serve an awesome GOD! She is now awaiting a flight back to Niamey. With All things going the way it is planned she shall be arriving on Friday afternoon... God is so very good!!! Thank you to ALL who stepped in and helped with housing, transportation and meals. Hoffmeyer Road Baptist Church, you are all a blessing to us. Thank you for the opportunity to share with the new members just what our work is in Niamey and the surrounding villages. Susan was able to share with both the GA's, Ladies Mission Pray-ers meeting and in the Wednesday evening service. New Covenant Church you are all a blessing as well... We thank our Lord for you all! May our Lord bless you and prosper you as you bless others.....
While Susan was stateside Randy continued to minister to the Songhai. He is working with three young men at our home. One of the young men, H-Bible, has been faithful in sharing his testimony with his friends. Recently Ken accepted Christ and has been baptized..
I know earlier in our blogs we had asked prayer for our men blvrs. Especially Henry. The people in his village tell us that he was put in jail for stealing. Please pray for his safety and that he will return to Christ & us. It is not unusual for someone to accept Christ and b/cause persecution return to Isl. We pray this is NOT to case with Henry.
Phillipians 1:3 I thank my God in all my rememberance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now.
Thank you ALL for your prayers, concerns, love, Lottie Moon offering and your co-operative program giving. We love you guys & gals!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Susan: So happy you are better and so sad we were not able to meet you. Randy was a blessing to us during our recent visit. We hope to return within the next 2 years. You are both in our prayers as well as the wonderful people we met in Boubon and Ayorou.
